Today was a stills day with Jodi Pudge( and food stylist, Michael Elliott( Extra bonus today was working with Ryan Vilaca, a graduate of the Algonquin College Photography Program, 2016. Ryan moved to Toronto after completing his studies and was the lead assistant today. So much fun to have Ryan teaching me for a change. His attention to detail and proactive assisting is truly impressive.
The shoot today was a lesson in hurry up and wait - wait for the client approval. This is standard on many shoots and allows the photographer to ensure that the images produced are accurate and what the client is looking for - product placement is so important. Sometimes focus changes and a rejig of the set is in order - better to do it now than after everything is torn down. It was great to watch as the photographer, stylist and director worked together to make the client happy with a complete change up of placement of the products and honestly, it looked just as beautiful as the first set up. How could it not with Jodi & Michael on set making shooting today looks so easy and effortless. True pro’s, for sure!!
It was really nice to work on a smaller set today and talk to all the players on this job and not feel so in the way of all the moving parts. This shoot wraps up on Tuesday and I couldn’t be more excited to be a part of the final day so stay tuned for more on this job.
Jodi pudge at work
ryan vilaca at work
so many props
forks, just cause they’re cool