B3K Digital is an equipment rental house and education facility, on Toronto’s east side (https://b3kdigital.com/cultural-heritage/). I’m here today for the Cultural Heritage equipment education and to finally meet, in person, their staff - what a thrill to meet people I’ve only had the pleasure of meeting online - so nice to put a face to an email address! They did not disappoint - such a warm and inviting staff of experts and I felt very welcome there for the couple of days spent at their location.
Rod McLeod, Cultural Heritage equipment rep, guided me through various equipment options and the Capture ONE Cultural Heritage software, and gave me some excellent insight into to the CH world. I was also given a hands-on experience using the gear to photograph negatives, calibration, etc.
As some of you know, I will be writing a post-grad course on this topic during my Sabbatical. B3K Digital was my first stop on a long journey of learning about this field. I’m really excited to get started with the process and feel that this industry definitely has a place at Algonquin.